Moving Home

Moving Home – Hints & Tips

You’ve found your new home, sorted your mortgage and exchanged contracts. In all the excitement of purchasing a new home it can be easy to forget the little things when moving, that’s why we’ve put together a handy checklist of hints and tips to make the process of moving as simple and stress free as possible.

1. Confirm the date of your move
First things first, you’ll need to get your moving date officially confirmed by your solicitor/conveyancers and the house sellers.

If you’re lucky and in a position to spread moving out and in across a few days or even a week, use this time to get any work done in your new home such as cleaning carpets or painting and decorating. This way, you can have your rooms ready for when you move in and save the hassle of decorating around furniture.

If you happen to be at the end of the chain, you may find yourself waiting a long time for all the other transactions to go through. Find out your place in the chain, and plan accordingly in case things take longer than expected.

2. Give notice to your landlord
If you’re renting, you’ll need to let your landlord know the exact date you plan on moving out. This is even better if you can plan to move towards the end of your lease, as this avoids having to pay for both rent and your mortgage. If you still have time left on your lease you should include any upcoming rent payment in your budget.

3. Contact your utility suppliers
To save any unexpected bills or the hassle of having to prove when you left a property after the fact, let all of your utility suppliers know when you plan to move and your last day in the property. This includes gas, electricity, phone and broadband suppliers and any other regular household bills you may pay.

4. Prepare for internet down time
Whether you plan on staying with the same provider or signing up with someone new, moving service can take several weeks and you may have to wait for installation, meaning no internet! Prepare as best you can by downloading any essential information you may need, reference numbers, instructions, your favourite TV box set! You could also try turning your mobile phone into a mobile hotspot, although this isn’t a long-term solution it may just be enough to access essential information you may need at short notice.

5. Take meter readings
If you have access to meters within your property, take a note of meter readings before you move out or take a photo on your mobile phone. The last thing you want is to be charged for bills you aren’t due to pay.

6. Get quotes on your removal costs
When it comes to removals, it all depends on what’s practical for your budget and the size of your property. If you’re moving into a small property, or if cost is a large factor, it’ll probably be cheaper to rent a van and get a few friends to help. However, that can easily add to the stress of moving day, so make sure it’s right for you. If you prefer to use a removal service, do your research, read reviews and ask for recommendations.

Regardless of what service you pick, make absolutely sure you’ve got all your valuables and personal documents in a safe place; keep them on your person, if you can.

7. Have a big clear out before moving day
This is the perfect time to go through your old things and decide what is and isn’t worth keeping. Before you start boxing everything up, go through your old clothes, electronics and furniture. Decide what’s actually worth keeping and what can be dropped off at the local charity shop. It’ll save you a lot of time, effort and backache if you cut down on the number of things you need to move to your new home.

8. Make a list of where everything is in your new home
Most people wait until there’s a gushing radiator before they work out how to switch the water off – make sure that doesn’t happen to you. Ask the sellers of your new property exactly where the following things are:

Instructions for any built-in appliances
Gas and electricity meters
Fuse box

If you’re selling, make a list of where all the important things are in your home, and leave it for the people moving in.

9. Pack everything and label boxes
Being organized is the key to success here, label all of your boxes correctly and keep stuff which belongs in the same room together. It also helps to make a checklist of what’s inside each box to save you rummaging around trying to find a specific item.

10. Pay any outstanding bills
A fresh start means you don’t want old bills coming back to you at your new address, so settle any outstanding bills and council tax still owed on your current property.

11. Remember to tell people you’re moving
We’ve made up a small list to help;

Your work
Your bank, insurance, pension and credit card companies
The council, electoral roll
TV Licensing
Doctor and dentist
National Insurance / DSS offices
Post redirection services (this requires at least 5 days notice)

Tip – Don’t forget to delete your old address from all online retailers (such as Amazon). There’s nothing worse than realising your package has been delivered to an old address. When that’s done, send out one big email/text to friends and family to let them know your new address and the exact date you move in.

12. Grab the essential for moving day
You’ll need the essentials for the first night in your new place, so it’s best to make a box or two with the following things to hand:

Kettle, mugs, tea, milk, coffee, sugar
Cleaning products, plus vacuum cleaner and bin bags
Phone and laptop chargers
Loo roll, kitchen roll
Duvet and bedding for the first night
Temporary furniture – deck chairs etc.
Television or radio

And make sure you keep all your important documents, like your passport and mortgage paperwork, where you can easily find them.

13. Moving Day!
The big day has finally arrived and by now you should be super organized and ready to go.

Unload your boxes
Do a deep clean of the property before you start unpacking. This is definitely the easiest time to scrub tiles and clean carpets
Unpack room by room, starting with the kitchen
Check all the utilities are up and running
Make sure you have keys to every door, window and cupboard
Find out what day your bins are collected

Finally, take the rest of the night off!